High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a prostate cancer treatment that uses the energy of highly focused ultrasound to pinpoint, heat and kill prostate cancer cells. Unlike radiation and surgery, HIFU is a non-invasive (no incisions) outpatient procedure that leaves healthy tissue unharmed.


What is HIFU?

HIFU is a minimally invasive procedure which offers drastically reduced side effects, such as erectile dysfunction and incontinence, and the same efficacy rates as traditional, more invasive prostate treatment options. Ultrasound has wide use in the medical field, including providing imaging during pregnancy. In HIFU, the normally harmless ultrasound waves are produced at a higher intensity and in a highly focused form.

How does HIFU work?

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) destroys tissue via a process called coagulative necrosis, which occurs when the heat created by the ultrasound energy is absorbed into the tissue.  Elevated tissue temperatures are created at the focus of an ultrasound probe or transducer, causing a localized temperature rise of 55-90°C in a matter of seconds, leading to cell death. This process destroys cancer cells with targeted precision.

Has HIFU been well studied?

The technology has been under development for 30 years and was first used in Europe to treat prostate cancer in 1995. In 2015, the United States FDA approved two focused ultrasound systems that would allow the ablation of prostate tissue. By doing so, it allowed the US to join approximately 50 other countries in the world where HIFU is commercially available for treating the prostate. The FDA continues to approve such devices due to their ability to effectively destroy targeted prostate tissue with a reasonable safety profile.

Does HIFU have side effects?

The advantage of HIFU performed by an experienced physician is the minimal risk of side effects. However, urinary tract infections can occur following HIFU therapy since a catheter is used in the immediate days following treatment. Other side effects can include effects on the frequency and urgency of urination, mild discomfort, or discharge in the urinary stream in the first few weeks following HIFU.

If an inexperienced and untrained physician performs HIFU, the same side effects that accompany traditional prostate cancer treatments, such as incontinence and impotence, can occur.

Is HIFU right for me?

Every patient is different and there are many important factors that need to be taken into consideration to determine if a patient is a good candidate for HIFU treatment.  Schedule a consultation to find out if you qualify.

What happens during the procedure?

During high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), an ultrasound probe about the size of your index finger is inserted into your rectum while you are asleep under anesthesia. The probe is positioned up to the level of your prostate. Your prostate is located immediately behind the rectum wall.

An imaging transducer in the center of the probe scans your prostate to create a three dimensional computerized map of your entire prostate and the area to be treated. Your urologist then uses the computer to view and plan your precise treatment plan. The treatment plan is then carried out, with focused waves of ultrasound destroying the exact identified tissue. Each focused beam of energy destroys about a rice-grain size of tissue at a time. The session continues until all the diseased tissue is destroyed. After the treatment session, imaging (ultrasound or MRI) reviews the result of the treatment.

The procedure takes an average of two hours to perform depending on the size of the treatment area.


10 Tips For Keeping Your Prostate Healthy

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