Fight Prostate Issues With Laser-Like Precision
Low risk minimally invasive approaches to Prostate Cancer and an Enlarged Prostate

Our Mission Is to Provide a Professional & Honest Approach to Men’s Health
Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. Many prostate cancers grow slowly and are confined to the prostate gland, where they may not cause serious harm. However, while some types of prostate cancer grow slowly and may need minimal or even no treatment, other types are aggressive and can spread quickly. Prostate cancer that’s detected early — when it’s still confined to the prostate gland — has the best chance for successful treatment.
Our Services

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a prostate cancer treatment that uses the energy of highly focused ultrasound to pinpoint, heat and kill prostate cancer cells. Unlike radiation and surgery, HIFU is a non-invasive (no incisions) outpatient procedure that leaves healthy tissue unharmed.

Rezūm Water Vapor Therapy treats the source of BPH — your enlarged prostate. This short, in-office procedure uses the natural energy stored in a few drops of water to shrink the prostate. So urine can flow freely. There are no incisions, no general anesthesia, and most patients return to regular activities within a few days.

Cryotherapy, or cryosurgery as it is sometimes called, is a treatment that involves freezing cancer cells and cutting off their blood supply. It is a minimally invasive procedure for treating non-aggressive forms of prostate cancer.

Men's Health
Every day, millions of men experience urologic and sexual health issues ranging from erectile dysfunction to prostate cancer. Most men can be treated and return to full lives, if they understand and recognize the symptoms.

Your Health Starts Here
Contact us.
Or call — 520 838 9005
“When my prostate cancer advanced to a level that required treatment,
HIFU sounded like the best option to me, so my urologist at the time
sent me to Dr. Greenberg. I found him very easy to communicate
with. After some tests he decided that HIFU was indeed appropriate.
Things went just as Dr. Greenberg had said they would with no
urinary or erectile problems afterwards. Postoperative symptoms were mild
and brief, and 4 months later my PSA number was 1/6 of what it had been.
Dr. Greenberg hit the target precisely.”

T. S.
Tucson, Arizona
“Dr. Greenberg treated me in a professional manner which includ[ed] providing me with details of my condition and the various treatments for it . . . among which was High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) treatment. I read not only the literature provided by Dr. Greenberg but did extensive research on my own. I was convinced that HIFU, performed by Dr. Greenberg, was my best option. The procedure was successful. . . . [T]he results of the HIFU procedure were exactly as Dr. Greenberg advised me they would be and I am most grateful to him for his skill, knowledge, and ability to present me with the diagnosis and treatment that helped me so much. I would highly recommend him to anyone who is seeking treatment and advice for prostate cancer. I would literally trust Dr. Greenberg for treatment if my life depended on it.”

E. S.
Tucson, Arizona